Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday Evening on Spanish Banks

Spanish Banks, my favorite beach in Vancouver, was where we had a very nice picnic yesterday, a farewell party for our guests, eight students and two teachers, from Clara Schumann Music School in Dusseldorf, Germany, after ten wonderful days of their visit including three concerts, trips to Victoria, Whistler, and many small trips around the city and lots of good food and laughter and good time. I have a long story to tell. But for now, I just want to share with you these very quiet moments of a beautiful sunny Saturday evening.

There were not just Sarah and me in this sweet moment, we were smiling for Kim.
Saturday Afternoon On Spanish Banks

They're not just rocks...They are rocks that gloriously glow in the golden sunset rays and rhythmic dance of sparkling sea water over them. I wish I could also record the soothingly meditative music of this everlasting evening song...
Sunset on Spanish Banks

Time to go home, doggy...
Sunset on Spanish Banks


  1. That is a spectacular sight and now I have to visit Spanish Beach! Love the picture of you and Sarah, awww!
